About US

We are a bilingual, multicultural church in the north-west of Munich. We are vibrant and passionate about Jesus, His ways and what He is doing in and through our lives.
We believe that every person is unique and gifted and can make a difference. With Jesus, you can experience a life of abundance and purpose that overflows into those around you.
We live life together. Jesus the Way is so much more than just our Sunday gatherings. We have a variety of activities and outreach opportunities.



Jesus the Way Church began in 1997 as a house group in the home of Franny Bosch. Thorsten & Carla Johnson, missionaries from Calvary Chapel USA, came from Austria, where they lived, to lead this house group. Franny Bosch and Ruvini Candappa were faithful hosts of this house group and led it with commitment, prayer and love. Later they moved out of Franny's house into a building on Käferlohestraße.


In 2003, the group, which consisted of around 40 people, moved to its current premises in Waldmeisterstrasse. This group worked very hard to renovate and refurbish the building. The biggest investment was the fire escape and the construction of a fantastic café.


Helmut & Veda Schneider, who came from Germany and South Africa, then took over the church in 2008 and led it until the end of 2015, bringing in great teaching on the Father heart of God, the freedom of the Spirit and the grace of God. They also began a partnership with the ministry NCMI (New Covenant Ministries International).


In 2016, Rob & Bridget Forbes, who were born in Zimbabwe and South Africa, took over the leadership of Jesus the Way Church. They have a heart to see the lost saved, in Munich, in Germany and in the nations. 

Through many prophetic words and with a great leadership team, they believe that God will use Jesus the Way to bring salvation and refreshing and open up wells (Genesis 26:17-22) wherever God leads us and gives us influence. 

They welcome everyone to travel with them into the great future God has for us as a church.



By worshipping Him in freedom and joy. 
By fulfilling His purposes in our lives
By living as new creations: forgiven, healed and free.


By proclaiming Jesus, His grace and salvation.
By ministering healing, deliverance and freedom.
By building one another up in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Be a Blessing to Munich, Bavaria, and the Nations

Through prayer, prophecy and proclamation.
Through practical service.
Through extravagant generosity.

Our values


We are people that honour God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and one another.


We are living out authentic relationships with God through Jesus. We work and have fun together. We support one another.


We are enthusiastic about following Jesus and lovers of His presence.


We are intentional about doing God’s work that He has prepared for us and is preparing us to do.


We are a household of all ages, personalities and gifts, from many nations, tribes and languages.


We are modern and relevant, holding to Biblical values.


We are helping people discover, walk in and use their God given gifts and talents.


We are strengthening communities and other local churches.


We are people with our lives anchored in Jesus, our cornerstone.


We are receiving from God, so that we can give to others.

World Changers

We are living with the Holy Spirit in us, wanting to see the world around us change.
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