We believe in the triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The God of the Bible, who created this world and the universe.


We believe in God the Father who is perfect love which drives out all fear. God is a Father who does everything out of love and who turns all things to good. Our relationship with the Father is a relationship of love. He who created us, loves us, and has made it possible for us to become His children once again, through His son Jesus Christ.


We believe in Jesus Christ the Son. We believe that the Father sent Jesus to take upon himself the sin of the world, to die on the cross, so that we can be saved and enter into a personal relationship with God. A relationship which was lost through original sin.

It is only through Jesus that we can come to the Father. He is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus the Way proclaims this truth clearly to our community and to the world.

We believe that Jesus came to this world as a man, shed His blood for us on the cross, was buried, and then raised from the dead. He ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of the Father, until the day when He will return to this world to fetch His bride.


We believe in the Holy Spirit, whom the Father has given to us to help us and to empower us. Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will enable us to do greater things than He did. The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins, He renews us, and as He lives in us His fruit will be seen in our lives. He enlightens our understanding, He anoints us, He transforms us from one degree of glory to the next. He comforts us and we are sealed in Him until the day of our redemption.

We believe that the gifts of the Spirit are for born again believers today.


We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. The Word and the Spirit, lead us into all truth. We believe that God speaks to us and reveals Himself through His Word.

As a church community, we want to preach the whole gospel. The Bible is our written foundation, our pattern and our “blue print”.


We believe that the church is the instrument put into place by Jesus Christ to reflect His glory on this earth. Jesus said that He is the head of the church, – His body. That means that all church members, all those who belong to Him, all those who have given their lives to Jesus and are born again, are like living organs, are active members of His body. Jesus is building His church and we have the privilege of being able to participate in what He is doing on this planet.


We believe that Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach the gospel, to make disciples of all nations, to heal the sick and to set prisoners free. He instructed His disciples to do this in the city where they lived, in their country, in the surrounding countries and in the whole world (Mt 28:18, Mt 10:5).
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